Baking with Ginger


Add a bold kick with these five ginger products: 

Le Sanctuaire Ground Ginger 
Chinese ginger boasts a more lemony flavor than other gingers. And this powdered version from California-based spice emporium Le Sanctuaire is a favorite among chefs—a must in every baker’s kitchen.

The Ginger People Crystallized Ginger Chips
Bite-sized candied ginger from Fiji (which claims to be less fibrous than other gingers), these can be substituted for chocolate chips in cookies, and are also great in scones, muffins—even pancakes.

GingerReed’s Crystallized Ginger
Tender baby ginger root from South Pacific islands is diced, steeped in raw cane sugar for days, then dried until crystallized into soft, tasty nuggets. Chopped up and baked into cookies or snaps, this ginger provides a sweet and chewy surprise. 

Penzey’s Minced Ginger
A great substitute for fresh ginger when you’re in a pinch (or just need a pinch), this peeled, minced, and freeze-dried ginger from Wisconsin-based Penzey’s has an aromatic spicy flavor, adding a nice punch to cakes, cookies, and of course, ginger snaps.

La Canne Ginger Sugar
This sweet and spicy sugar—from the Lafayette, Louisiana-based La Canne Sugar Product—is made by melting grated ginger and sugar together then grinding it back into granules. It makes for a nice addition to any baker’s pantry, and can be used for topping sugar cookies, candies, and other desserts. 

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